Brought the jingle back, Baby, back, Baby, back

Chili’s had news to share, they’d redone their entire menu–simplified it–and gotten back to their roots in Burgers, Ribs and Fajitas. In recent years, they were lagging behind the competition in the Casual Dining category. With the promise of a speedier, fresher experience, Chili’s was ready to impress guests again. So we took their beloved jingle and gave it some fun, humblebrag-y, self-awareness.

We hosted a sold out Dundie Awards show

Our team partnered with Replay’s popular The Office pop-up experience to bring Chicago their own Dundie Awards. Lines of fully costumed Jims, Pams, Angelas and Dwights stretched 3 city blocks for the sold out event. “Toby’s HR temps” captured names as the audience trickled in and got a name tag. This allowed the sketch comedy and improv actors to haze guests and give prizes for the best costumes. The whole thing was broadcast live on social media and got picked up by more than 10 major media outlets.




Illinois Tourism